Course highlights

  • Wildlife conservation focus

    One lead project complemented by a combination of projects providing multiple examples and perspectives.

  • Learn at your own pace

    On-demand lessons mean there is no need to wait for drip-fed lessons or monthly releases. Watch, read and learn on replay any time you’re ready.

  • Mix of lesson formats

    Our dynamic lessons and content use all presentation methods possible. Some content will expand and grow and also be updated from time to time.

  • Easy to digest lessons

    2 hours of video lessons, lectures, case studies, real life scenarios and live events, broken down into bite size, easy to digest chunks.

  • 365 days of access

    With plenty of time to take advantage of all course content, you can learn at your own pace.

  • Contribute to conservation

    Our courses are designed on a social enterprise principle - your money goes to protect wildlife and the causes you care about.

Course curriculum

    1. African Leopards

    1. An Overview of African Leopards

    2. An Overview of South African Leopard Conservation

    3. Safeguarding Leopards in South Africa

    4. Threats to Leopards in South Africa

    5. Successful South African Leopards Conservation Strategies

    6. The Grey Areas of Leopard Conservation

    1. Terry-Lee Honiball

    2. African Leopard (Ecology)

    1. Leopard Ecology Quiz

    1. Cape Leopard Trust

    2. Leopards of the Cape (Live)

    3. Leopards of the Cape

    4. Cape Leopard Success Stories

About this course

  • 45 lessons
  • Certificate of completion
  • On-demand learning content

Course Instructors

Jeannie Hayward

Cape Leopard Trust Zoologist

Jeannie graduated from Stellenbosch University with an MSc in Zoology and immediately went into conservation work. Having taken a break to pursue many varied and interesting roles in a range of industries, Jeannie joined the CLT team in 2010 as one of the first coordinators and researchers on the Boland Project studying leopards. She is currently CLT’s media and communications manager and works to disseminate their conservation message.

Dr Peter Rogers BVSc

Wildlife Veterinarian

With decades of experience, Dr Peter Rogers is considered one of the most experienced wildlife veterinarians in the world. He specializes in the capture and veterinary care of some of South Africa’s most endangered species, including the southern white rhinoceros, black rhinoceros, African elephant, cheetah, African wild dog, African lion, Temminck’s ground pangolin, and many other species.

Terry-Lee Honiball

TEP Consultant Instructor

Terry-Lee Honiball is a large carnivore behaviour specialist working throughout South Africa. Terry is one of The Expedition Projects’ own ambassadors and we are lucky to have such an incredible scientist on our team out in South Africa. Terry conducted a master’s with Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University in Large Carnivore Ecology in North West South Africa. Terry has been conducting a PhD with Nelson Mandela University’s Wildlife Ecology Lab looking into carnivore genetics, behaviour, movement and diet. Furthermore, she is a part-time lecturer in Environmental Education at the same university.

Course Collaborators

Discover African leopard conservation topics starting today!

"The skin of the leopard is beautiful, but not his heart." ~ African proverb

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